One of my once in a blue moon posts
So you know what I miss? AOL instant messaging. Back in college, specifically my freshman year (eight years ago? yikes!!) I used to "chat" with friends online and there was something about that live written interaction that I loved. So you may have noticed I'm not much of a blogger, and I'm not sure why. I'm only very rarely in the mood to blog. But AIM could keep me busy for hours. Not that I need to spend two hours at a time instant messaging again, because there's just not time for that, but I really do miss it. I remember loving the sound of the door creaking open when a friend signed on, and lamenting that harsh sould of the door shutting if someone unexpectedly left or was kicked off by their computer. And even though the magic wand sound of sending messages back and forth might have given my roomate a facial tick(tic?), to me it was worth it. I think the time-delay of having about five more seconds to think before responding to what people said to you was also benefical for me. It lent itself to significantly more witty banter...or maybe just a different sort of banter altogether. There are some hilarious moments that can't be duplicated in another setting, like when I meant to type "I'm looking for some corn pops" and I sent it as "I'm looking for some porn cops." Maybe it's not so funny to the reader now but late at night in a college dorm, while eating corn pops and AIMing, it was enough to make tears stream down your face. And or course there was always the classic typing of "nad" instead of and. Everybody always used "lol" but my favorite was "ahahahaha!" It made me want to laugh out loud more. There were all kinds of things you could do with the text that I appreciated. Of course, I recognize that it's not the best way to communicate anything important, but it was fun. I never really liked talking on the phone, and that was finally something where I could talk to and keep in touch with my friends from home without having to deal with my mild phone phobia. I remember when "silvrgirl" was someone that I really didn't know! Back when a lot of my friends now were new friends then. Back when I first learned that CaptnSkunk(I know that's not right but it was something like that right?) had a literary side. I don't even remember my own screen name anymore. I can't believe it was so long ago now. Well, I know AIM is still out there but the time for it is gone (or is it? j/k) and I must plow on without it. I've always been a bit too nostalgic for my own good...
I miss AIM too! I don't have a computer at home and it's to obvious if i'm at my desk all day long at work. No one really signs on anymore though. The only thing about it that really bothered me was when the person you were typing to was doing something else or talking to someone else and they didn't respond to you forever! I'd just wait and wait... Other than that it was awesome! We should bring it back.
I know, I got ignored a few times sometimes too...or sometimes I'd get a response that was supposed to go to someone else, and it would be nonsensical.
your screen name, if memory serves, was adnama with some number attached.
i totally forgot about adnama54! I think it was 54. i can't believe i didn't come up with something better than my own name spelled backwards. how lame. come to think of it ajane the great is kind of lame as well....
I still sign on and I am so lonely.
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