Wednesday, November 30, 2005

early one mornin i was makin the rounds...

i took a shot o' cocaine and i shot my woman down,
Shot her down because she made me sore,
I thought I was her daddy but she had five more...

So they're not the most profound of his lyrics by any means, but it's a damn good song. I have a newfound love for Johnny Cash. That's from my new album Live from Folsom Prison that I bought last week. Every one or two years, something (a movie, song, actor, book) strikes a major chord with me, and I get sort of borderline obsessed with whatever that subject might be for a while, and then it just sort of fades but I still love them. In the past it's been Jane Austen, Humphrey Bogart, among others. But right now I'm on a Cash fix. There aren't too many things that I get that way about, so I feel justified in indulging the obsession a bit. I think Jeff is pretty sick of him though and that it's time to stop playing the CDs in the car all the time. I have no doubt that he will find some way to make fun of me about it in a comment.

In other news, something interesting I learned tonight:

There are these rooms called anechoic chambers that audiologists use for research purposes--they are the most soundproof rooms that exist, where any sound made in the room is absorbed by foam walls, and the test subject is even elevated off the floor so that they are in the very center of the room. So when there is no noise there is ABSOLUTELY no noise. So they did some kind of experiment where they asked people to go in there with the lights off as well (pitch blackness as well as complete silence). With the auditory and visual senses completely shut off, most test subjects started to have auditory and visual hallucinations because their brain couldn't handle it. sounded kinda crazy to me.

Since all I have to talk about is work or school, I will now share some preschooler comments from work that I have heard in recent weeks:

"It smells like it's raining poopies.'( a timeless classic)
"We found a dead bird over there and it's stuck in the fence, and it's missing a head and now it can't fly anymore and now it is separated from its family and now it won't have any fun any more.' (that's from today.)
"Connor's outside having a templeton" (referring to another student having a temper tantrum).
"We are watering the flowers so that they will be happy and good and nice." (Jake)
"In Thailand we gog to meg fike mig fow toog bok my fada took wig lug crab in a bucket--This is from a student named Long Kong, who has a very strong accent and I can usually only pick up the first and last part of what he says. I respond with something like "really?" or "cool!" and he usually nods and walks away.

Well that's all for now.


Blogger Lauri said...

i'm glad your able to blog again Amanda. This one was funny. Those kids are hilarious. and i don't know what my mind would do in that room. I'd probably have an anxiety attack.

4:36 PM  

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