Friday, August 26, 2005

knock knock

who's there?
German Border Patrol.
German Border Patrol who?

That is one of my all time favorite knock knock jokes. Although it loses something on paper---I personally think the last line is a lot funnier when yelled in a loud fake German accent.

here's another one:
knock knock.
who's there?
bisquick who?

So I did some job hunting today...I'll need to get a job as soon as I can after school starts, so I called a bunch of tutoring centers trying to get a feel for who's hiring. I'm trying to avoid working at sylvan or score, just because they are so scripted and they charge and arm and a leg to clients, and then don't even pay their tutors that well. But I did have one promising discussion with a man from Total Education Solutions, that I think I will try to pursue. I don't want to get my hopes up. There is also this therapy place literally across the street from my apartment--I called them and they said to send over a resume, but I'm thinking that will be too good to be true-How cool would it be to be able to walk across the street to work and save on gas?

So, I think that my insides have decided that I'm 40 years old. I can no longer eat more than two pieces of pizza without having to take a tums, and I can't drink like I used to at all. Gone are the days of passing out early and missing parties. But I was just reflecting on what a retarded drunk I was-always hugging people. And one time at a Moefest I walked into a sliding glass door-I don't know how many people know about that. I know Dave's brother Danny saw me and laughed, but I think he was the only one.

I am pretending that I am having a second youth this year as I go back to college. It feels good to be a college student again after teaching. Part of my second youth (and by youth I mean early 20s) involves growing my hair out again. This coincides with my plan to have longer hair for the wedding. It's kinda hard to pretend to have your second youth and get married in the same year. Not to mention friends of mine having babies.

okay, one more knock knock joke to provide closure:

knock knock
who's there?
Euripides who?
EURIPIDES PANTS, I BREAKA YO' FACE!!! (should be said in an angry italian accent)


Blogger Pete said...

First of all, it was Casa de Moe, not Moefest. And second of all I miss huggy Amanda, though she might make jeff a little nervous.

2:50 AM  
Blogger Amanda Jane said...

Where did I get Moefest? I thought it sounded kinda funny when I wrote it but I couldn't remember the real name. That just goes to show that it's been too long since there has been a Casa De Moe.

So I'm pretty amped about this casserole I'm going to make tonight. I'm going to try and make a big meal every Sunday night and then make it last for my dinners throughout the week and therefore be economically efficient. I'm sure I'll hit up Trader Joe's now and again, but right now I am so burnt out on TJs...I have been eating nothing but TJ meals for the past two and half years and even though rolled chicken tacos with chili sauce holds a special place in my heart, I just need a break.

Hmmm...nothing else to report

Jeff if you read this, and we decide to combine blogs, would you be willing to change the title of your blog? or to modify it to include someone else besides the evil twin of wjb?

Pete if you read this, maybe one day if the conditions are right, you will witness the return of huggy amanda.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

This is really funny to me because she swore that she couldn't add comments to her blog or other people's blog. By the way, the chances of me getting my hands on that casserole seem slim, which is disappointing.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

The death of the Evil Twin of William Jennings Bryan? Evil Portents.

11:48 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I was thinking more like allowing you to be a guest contributor to my blog. Changing my blog to meet your needs would be like us wearing thematic Halloween costumes (i.e. Fred & Wilma Flintstone)

5:50 AM  

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